Coder Radio

A weekly talk show

About the show

A weekly talk show taking a pragmatic look at the art and business of Software Development and the world of technology.

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  • 420: You Can't Sideload Happiness

    July 1st, 2021  |  55 mins 28 secs
    anti-trust, coder radio, cosmic, development podcast, github copilot, google microsoft ceasefire, linode on the road, live share, meetup, system76, thelio, ubuntu, windows 11 review

    Mike's got some strong feels about his new system, and Chris spent a week with Windows 11. And that's not even scratching the surface. It's a wild one, with some hard truths, so buckle up.

  • 419: Authentication Timeout

    June 24th, 2021  |  43 mins 59 secs
    antitrust, bulletproof linux, coder radio, cook calls pelosi, development podcast, facebook, google bureaucracy, google risk averse, internal criticism at google, kent walker, kernel extension, linode on the road, mac failure, meetup, microsoft market value, sundar pichai, system76, thelio, windows 11

    Big Tech's punishment train has been en route for years, but now that it's almost arrived, are we getting onboard?

  • 418: I'm a Teapot

    June 16th, 2021  |  43 mins 40 secs
    clippy for vscode, coder radio, computer vision, development podcast, gpu compute, intel limitations, jupiter broadcasting, linux, mac os 12, machine learning, portrait mode, stripe identity, sublime text, sublimerge, virtio, virtualization, virtualization.framework, wwdc

    We get a bit skeptical about Stripe Identity, how it works, and precisely why we don't like some of their privacy trade-offs.

  • 417: Why Would Developers Care?

    June 9th, 2021  |  51 mins 5 secs
    app store review guidelines, coder radio, development podcast, focus, ipad multitasking, ipad os, jupiter broadcasting, launch keyboard, macos monterey, private relay, shareplay api, sherlocked, siri, state of the union, system76, universal control, wwdc keynote, wwdc21

    Our takes on the important bits from Apple's WWDC 2021 keynote and State of the Union.

  • 416: Strange Voltron of Hell

    June 2nd, 2021  |  53 mins 16 secs
    apple accuses microsoft, chromebooks, coder radio, development podcast, epic, jupiter broadcasting, m1, major windows update, microsoft build 2021, ordered and loose cultures, pop_os, proxy war, sun valley, thinkpad, webview2, windows 10, windows arm developer kit, wwdc predictions

    Mike's unique take on the bold promises made at MS Build this year, and the one item he REALLY wants announced at WWDC next week.

  • 415: Keyboard Kurious

    May 26th, 2021  |  54 mins 4 secs
    .net core, career path, code editor, coder radio, development podcast, docker desktop, ipad developer problems, jupiter broadcasting, limiting ios policies, mechanical keyboards for developers, panic, pycharm, pylance, system76 launch, vscode remote, wsl python

    We both fall for a new fancy keyboard; then we get philosophical about free software's never-ending quest to conquer mobile.

  • 414: Google I/NO

    May 19th, 2021  |  47 mins 50 secs
    adhd, android tablets, apple, aws alerts, coder radio, containerd, developer revenue, development podcast, framework laptop, golang, google, google i/o, hugo, jupiter broadcasting, lima, linux servers, m1, macos subsystem for linux, objective-c, remote work, swift, wear os

    After Chris gets a reality check from Mike, the guys answer some emails and admit a cold hard truth.

  • 413: Painpoints to Profits

    May 12th, 2021  |  48 mins 28 secs
    .net core, angular, aws, career path, coder radio, development podcast, docker desktop, flutter, jupiter broadcasting, pay for skipping upgrades, powershell

    Chris struggles with his nature, while Mike shares some sage developer advice that everyone should hear before using a platform like AWS.

  • 412: Context in Comprehension

    May 5th, 2021  |  1 hr 13 mins
    brunch with brent, buddhism, coder radio, collaboration, community, creative thinking, development podcast, hammock time, hell yeah or no, interview podcast, jupiter broadcasting, learning, meditation, routines, wes payne

    From adventures in learning, a recipe for great collaborations, to creativity and problem-solving in tech. It's a deep dive chat with Wes Payne.

  • 411: The Misadventures of Mad Mikhail

    April 28th, 2021  |  1 hr 10 mins
    coder hobbies, coder radio, contractor hardware, development advice, development podcast, ipad pro intel extensions, jupiter broadcasting, m1, macos end of life, opensuse, thinkpad, vscode, wayland, wslg, x1 carbon

    Mike has a few stories to share, but more importantly a very hard lesson he's going to make damn sure you learn.

  • 410: M1 has a Dirty Little Secret

    April 21st, 2021  |  55 mins 54 secs
    app store policy, apple podcast subscriptions, cosmic, ios limitations, ipad pro, linux development workstation, m1 imac, pop_os, spring loaded event reaction, system76, thunderbolt dock

    Our thoughts on the hardware Apple announced this week, and if any of it is suitable for professional workloads.

  • 409: Conflict

    April 14th, 2021  |  52 mins 11 secs
    cobol, coder radio, development podcast, ibm s/360, imessage on android, jupiter broadcasting, objective-c, python, sql, swift, texas breakfast, tiobe index, utm app

    We visit an alternate reality where Epic wins in their fight against Apple, COBOL reigns supreme, and the halls of great Jedi Temple are lined with Object-C developers.

  • 408: Request Timeout

    April 7th, 2021  |  1 hr 1 min
    android, are apis copyrightable?, coder radio, copyright api, development podcast, gnome, google, java api, jupiter broadcasting, libadwaita, oracle, supreme court, wwdc

    After a decade long fight, no one feels like a winner.

  • 407: Halls of Glowing Apples

    March 31st, 2021  |  55 mins 35 secs
    .net, bastien nocera, bert belder, chip shortage, clojure, coder radio, deno, development podcast, gnome 40, gplv2, java, jupiter broadcasting, linux, m1, mime types database, mimemagic, mit license, node.js, ruby on rails, rubygems, ryan dahl, shared-mime-info, supply chain, web development

    Ruby has gone off the rails this week, and Wes is here to explain what’s happened.

  • 406: Functional Sadism

    March 24th, 2021  |  54 mins 50 secs
    admin mode, caesar sengupta, coder radio, cryptocurrency, development podcast, dogecoin, elon musk, framework, gamestop, gitlab, google play, homepod facetime, imposter syndrome, java, jupiter broadcasting, lisp, photoshop m1, python, ron okamoto, stonks, ubuntu

    Some sage developer wisdom is overshadowed by Mike's mad stonk game, while Chris worries Apple's secret M1 tricks charming Linux users.

  • 405: Method Not Allowed

    March 17th, 2021  |  46 mins 6 secs
    adium, coder radio, development podcast, gnome, homepod, jupiter broadcasting, lisp, macos container, open source, opensuse, python, suse, visually impaired

    Mike goes straight for the attack and hits Chris where it hurts, then it's problem-solving time.