Coder Radio

A weekly talk show

About the show

A weekly talk show taking a pragmatic look at the art and business of Software Development and the world of technology.

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  • 436: The Diablo is in the Details

    October 20th, 2021  |  1 hr 6 mins
    apple mac event, coder radio, data loss, development podcast, diablo ii outage postmortem, django, facebook assassination, fastapi, flask, jetbrains, m1 max, m1 pro, numpy, promotion, pycharm, python developers survey, vs code

    Why mastering your development environment can be a tricky feat, and a server outage brought to you by the late 1990s.

  • 435: Ask Alice

    October 13th, 2021  |  59 mins 15 secs
    ai bot, alice, anti-steering, apple apeals epic, asahi linux, ask alice, asyncio, automation, c++, coder radio, data formats, development podcast, fastapi, learning python, m1 linux support, open podcasting, pyo3, rosetta stone, rust, twitch data leak, understanding python, universal data fluency, websockets

    Mike just launched the secret project he's been working on for months and shares all the details.

  • 434: Coding Gungan Style

    October 7th, 2021  |  44 mins 11 secs
    apple "unique arrangement" with netflix, coder radio, codex, development podcast, facebook, hermit programmers, hip hop vm, m1 update, middle-skilled developer, move fast, openai, prompt engineering, python 3.10, test suite effectiveness, types in python, vscode

    It's final push time on a big project for Mike, but Chris is the one who is exhausted. But we've got some new insights into testing and thoughts on an emerging category of developer.

  • 433: Falling for FastAPI

    September 29th, 2021  |  46 mins 57 secs
    apis with python, apple, coder radio, coder to developer, deirdre o'brien, development podcast, employee monitoring, fair pay, fastapi, ios focus, nfc tag, pay equity, pydantic, shortcut automation, sqlmodel, starlette, street coder book review, svp of retail and people, tim cook, typer, web framework

    Mike's falling in love with FastAPI and gives us a hint at the next project he's building.

  • 432: That Time We Stepped In It

    September 22nd, 2021  |  50 mins 26 secs
    apple slack, coder radio, colorado, development podcast, equal pay for equal work act, experimental os, fair pay, focus, ios 15, live text, microsoft, phone support, safe programming language, singularity

    We’ve really had a week, one of those makes ya feel old kinda weeks.

  • 431: Success is not Illegal

    September 15th, 2021  |  52 mins 5 secs
    a15, apple m1, apple vs epic, c++, california streaming reaction, coder radio, development podcast, employment law, facebook, gonzalez rogers, instagram is toxic, intellij, ipad mini, iphone 13, java, jdk 17, k-duo, labor relations, mobile game transactions market, pay discussions, promotion, prores, vscode, windows, wsl, wsl2

    The more you read into it, the worse it gets.

    At least we have new devices to keep us happy.

  • 430: Steamy PostgreSQL Shower

    September 8th, 2021  |  59 mins 57 secs
    #100daysofcode, apple delays csam, chip shortage, coder radio, coding challange, development podcast, intellisense, linux missed its window, privacy as a service, python, python in visual studio code, tsmc

    We are coming in hot, literally. It's a day of spicy takes.

  • 429: Apple Fools Everyone

    September 1st, 2021  |  34 mins 34 secs
    apple app store concessions, coder radio, developer manager, developer suit, development podcast, election day linux desktop contest, hagens berman, jr dev jobs, mad max, small developer assistance fund, small developers

    Recent reports would have you believe Apple has made significant concessions to developers. Don't be fooled! We read between the lines and break down what is and what is not changing.

  • 428: Epic's Receipts

    August 25th, 2021  |  52 mins 58 secs
    aws, c#, c++, coder radio, competitve profile of 3rd party apps, csam scanning, development podcast, insights into management, little snitch, lulu, macos, nsurlsessiond, project hug, rust, the effective manager, the unicorn project, “nsurlsession daemon”

    Things are worse than we ever thought, but that doesn't prevent us from taking a victory lap.

  • 427: Second-Class Desktop

    August 18th, 2021  |  39 mins 4 secs
    1password, coder radio, development podcast, electron, native apps, plasma vs gnome, stack overflow developer survey, steve troughton-smith, tips for a development manager, welcome to netscape

    Chris makes a big mistake on the road, and Mike drops some reality-based sage wisdom.

  • 426: The Thoughtful Triangle

    August 11th, 2021  |  38 mins 48 secs
    apple surveillance, child safety initiatives, coder radio, csam, developer trap, development podcast, facebook sdk, google firebase sdk, icloud photos, ncmec, zoom to pay $85m

    Is there a secret motive behind Apple's announced plans to scan iMessage and iCloud Photo Library content?

  • 425: Ruby in the Rough

    August 4th, 2021  |  46 mins 44 secs
    coder radio, compiler, development podcast, end of open source, foss, google, hypocrite commits, linux kernel, llvm, new phase of matter, perpetual motion machine, quantum computers, ruby, sorbet compiler, stripe, thermal equilibrium, time crystals, type annotations, university of minnesota

    Big promises are being made in Ruby land, but will they take hold? Plus, Tech Crunch says Open Source is dead, why we couldn’t disagree more.

  • 424: Denial of DOS

    July 28th, 2021  |  46 mins 49 secs
    apple, chaoji li, coder radio, coding on amtrak, development podcast, gnome extensions, idos 2, ios app store takedown, kde plasma, linux users, theio give away, warp terminal

    Mike shares his adventures coding while riding Amtrak, Chris is trying to get DOS running while he still can, and many of you wrote in sharing your concern for GNOME.

  • 423: Dead Desktop Disco

    July 21st, 2021  |  42 mins 23 secs
    azure virtual desktop, cloud pc, coder radio, development podcast, github copilot, gnome, gnome extensions, insomnia solutions, microsoft, tobias, traditional desktop, ubuntu, windows 356

    Has Microsoft figured out a way to invalidate the GPL? We're skeptical.

  • 422: Don't Code in Bed

    July 14th, 2021  |  45 mins 7 secs
    apple ecosystem vs android, coder radio, determinism, development podcast, generative model, github copilot, vscode live share review

    It seems AI isn't replacing developers just yet, and why we think you shouldn’t get too comfortable.

  • 421: Misdirected Request

    July 7th, 2021  |  34 mins 7 secs
    coder radio, cosmic, developer workstation, development podcast, github co-pilot, google decline, javascript, rust

    Has Google already started its decline? Our surprising take.