388: MacOS Lincoler
November 18th, 2020 | 56 mins 10 secs
benchmarks, coder radio, development podcast, jupiter broadcasting, m1 chip, macos big sur, opensuse, performance, pop_os, suse datacenter, youtube-dl
The guys deploy their sage wisdom to answer your age-old questions and solve why the latest macOS is less appealing than ever to developers.
387: ARMed & Dangerous
November 11th, 2020 | 30 mins 23 secs
apple event recap, arm mac, coder radio, development podcast, jupiter broadcasting, python, ruby, xcode on arm
Our first reactions to Apple's ARM event, how these new systems will impact developers, and if we're buying one.
386: i386
November 4th, 2020 | 57 mins 6 secs
arm mac, coder radio, coldfusion, dark matter developer, development podcast, iphone 12, jupiter broadcasting, linux development, mac os development problems, raspberry pi 400, windows compatibility
Chris attempts a Lizard intervention and gets sucked into Mike's Green tinted data center paradise.
385: Edging the Fox
October 28th, 2020 | 1 hr 1 min
chrome, coder radio, dark matter devs, development podcast, firefox, gnome extension crash, google, ios, ish shell, jupiter broadcasting, microsoft edge, mozilla, storage access api, vscode browser developer tool, w3c, web standards
Microsoft is making aggressive moves to court more and more developers. We put on our analyst hats and lay out the hard cold truth.
384: Leaping Lizard People
October 21st, 2020 | 53 mins 14 secs
5g, apple iphone 12, coder radio, dark matter dev, development podcast, dropbox, google, homepod mini, jupiter broadcasting, kubernetes, lte, micro, opensuse, oracle, suse, typescript, vim, vscode, wfh, work frome home
It's confession hour on the podcast, and your hosts surprise each other with several twists and turns.
383: Java Justice
October 13th, 2020 | 1 hr 2 mins
coder radio, development podcast, google, google llc v. oracle america, inc, java apis, java emails, jonathan schwartz, julia, jupiter broadcasting, linux, oracle, rebasing windows, rubin email thread, sun, sun microsystems, traveling salesman record
We have a different take on the Oracle v. Google case that may usher in an API copyright doom! Or so they say...
382: Hacktoberbust
October 6th, 2020 | 53 mins 7 secs
amd, apple, apple silicon benchmarks, arm, coder challenge, coder radio, cpu, development podcast, futhark, github, hacktoberfest, jupiter broadcasting, linux users, nvidia, opensuse, pr spam, rust kernel development
We examine the deeper problems in Open Source development the recent Hacktoberfest drama has exposed.
381: Flamewar Feedback Frenzy
September 30th, 2020 | 57 mins 50 secs
coder radio, containers, development podcast, google to enforce 30% cut, independent development, jupiter broadcasting, kubernetes, oss laugnages, rancheros, ruby 3.0, suse, swift system, vscode
We provoked quite a response and cover the feedback that puts us in our place. Then we dive into the wild era of text editor of yore and solve an age-old question.
380: Developer Unfriendly
September 23rd, 2020 | 54 mins 3 secs
arm, coder radio, development podcast, egpu, epic, flask blueprints, ios 14, jupiter broadcasting, laptop, lemur pro, linux laptop, linux server, opensuse, oryx pro, people powered, python, sap, sles, system76, tiktok, unreal
We get nerdy about Blueprints, and then wary about the future of software distribution.
379: Neckbeards Get Shaved
September 16th, 2020 | 56 mins 13 secs
apple hiring rust engineers, c++, coder radio, cross-platform application development, development podcast, hardest programming language to learn, jupiter broadcasting, memory safety, microsoft’s underwater data center, post-open source, rust, swift
Is it a Post-Open Source world now that the mega-clouds are here? We share our thoughts on this renewed idea.
378: Rust, Safe for Marketing
September 9th, 2020 | 56 mins 47 secs
c++ 20, c++ programming language, coder radio, development, fastapi, go, microsoft adopts rust, miguel de icaza, podcast, privacy nutrition labels, python, rust, small business, swift
A special friend of the show joins us to discuss C++ in 2020 and the growing adoption of Rust.
377: An Epic Underdog
September 2nd, 2020 | 54 mins 35 secs
30% cut, apple, appstore, coder radio, development podcast, device ownership, epic, fortnite, github, github behind the scenes, ios, jupiter broadcasting, large project upgrades, linux desktop, objective-rust, ruby 2.7, running a small business, small business stories, wordpress
GitHub just made a major behind-the-scenes upgrade, and we chew on some of the impressive details.
August 25th, 2020 | 44 mins 47 secs
coder radio reboot, development podcast, fourth of july contest, homepods4life, python, small buisness, system76, ubuntu developer workflow
We reboot the show to capture Mike's love of coupons and update you on what we have been up to recently since the show's fake demise.
375: The Grey Havens
September 16th, 2019 | 33 mins 16 secs
.net, 7 languages in 7 weeks, apple, automation, bots, business, coder radio, computer science, containers, deployment, developer podcast, devops, docker, dotcloud, functional programming, getting started, iot, jupiter broadcasting, microsoft, mobile, mobile development, objective c, oop, open source, red hat, serverless, software consulting, swift
We say goodbye to the show by taking a look back at a few of our favorite moments and reflect on how much has changed in the past seven years.
374: Python's Long Tail
September 9th, 2019 | 33 mins 27 secs
app store, apple, clue, coder radio, developer podcast, dropbox, emulator, fuzzy finder, fzf, go, google, jupiter broadcasting, macos, perl, perl 6 microsoft, playstation, projectpsx, pry, python, python2, ruby, sherlock, static type checking, typescript, web development
As Python 2's demise draws near we reflect on Python's popularity, the growing adoption of static typing, and why the Python 3 transition took so long.
Plus Apple's audacious app store tactics, Google's troubles with Typescript, and more!
373: Interactive Investigations
September 2nd, 2019 | 37 mins
.net, advertising, appimage, application packaging, bpython, c#, clojure, coder radio, containers, developer podcast, docker, exploratory programming, f#, flatpak, formal methods, forth, homebrew, interactive development, jupiter broadcasting, litecli, macos, macros, memory safety, monkeypatching, npm, pry, python, rebel-readline, repl, ruby, rust, scripting languages, smalltalk, snapcraft, sql, sqlite, supporting open source
We debate the best way to package scripting language apps then explore interactive development and the importance of a good shell.