Episode 362
It Crashes Better
June 17th, 2019
56 mins 16 secs
About this Episode
It's a Coder three-way as Chris checks-in with an eGPU update, and Mike shares his adventures with ReasonML.
Plus the state of linux application packaging, and Chris' ultimate mobile workflow.
Episode Links
- Brydge Keyboard for iPad Pro
- Reason Homepage — Reason lets you write simple, fast and quality type safe code while leveraging both the JavaScript & OCaml ecosystems.
- What & Why · Reason — Reason can almost be considered as a solidly statically typed, faster and simpler cousin of JavaScript, minus the historical crufts, plus the features of ES2030 you can use today, and with access to both the JS and the OCaml ecosystem!
- BuckleScript · Write safer and simpler code in OCaml & Reason, compile to JavaScript. — BuckleScript is backed by OCaml. Decades of type system research and compiler engineering.
- Null, Undefined & Option · Reason — Reason itself doesn't have the notion of null or undefined. This is a great thing, as it wipes out an entire category of bugs. No more undefined is not a function, and cannot access foo of undefined!
- Variant! · Reason — Behold, the crown jewel of Reason data structures! Most data structures in most languages are about "this and that". A variant allows us to express "this or that".
- Ken Wheeler - ReasonML is Serious Business
- Syntax Cheatsheet · Reason — We've worked very hard to make Reason look like JS while preserving OCaml's great semantics & types. Hope you enjoy it!
- OCaml Homepage — OCaml is an industrial strength programming language supporting functional, imperative and object-oriented styles.
- ReasonReact · All your ReactJS knowledge, codified. — It's Just Reason. We leverage the existing type system to create a library that types just right. Plus lightweight, first-class support for the ReactJS community idioms you've been using.
- ReasonML - React as first intended — ReasonML is the new tech that Facebook is using to develop React applications and promoting as a futuristic version of JavaScript
- Create your first snap | Ubuntu tutorials — The snapcraft tool is the preferred way to build snaps. It reads a simple, declarative file and runs the build for us.
- Creating a snap - Snap documentation — A snap can be created from apps you’ve already built and zipped, or from your preferred programming language or framework.
- Snapcraft Summit, Montreal 2019 - Day 1, 2 & 3
- Similar projects · AppImage/AppImageKit Wiki — This page compares various similar systems to AppImage. Of course, each system was built toward its own specific objectives. This page is intended to illustrate the points that were important in the AppImage design, and similarities as well as differences to other systems.
- Flathub—An app store and build service for Linux — Welcome to Flathub, the home of hundreds of apps which can be easily installed on any Linux distribution. Browse the apps online, from your app center or the command line.
- Mantiz Venus MZ-02 External Graphic Enclosure — Connects Full High Full Length 120" Width 2.5 PCIE Desktop Power GPU to computer WITH an Intel Certified Thunderbolt 3 port.
- The Mad Botter INC on Twitter — Congratulations @ChinKyler on winning our #FOSS #Earthday competition and with it a @system76 #GalagoPro. Keep hacking and keep it #Linux!
- Linux Academy is hiring! — Linux academy is looking for full stack Node.JS+Angular and Ruby on Rails developers. Come join the team!