We found 8 episodes of Coder Radio with the tag “ml”.
398: Testing the Test
January 27th, 2021 | 36 mins 35 secs
.net, alacritty, apple m1, automated tests, big sur vpn, electron, facebook, flutter, framework, gtk, k3s, linode, linux on m1, ml, probabilistic flakines, qt, rust, testing, ubuntu server, unit testing, wsl2
The guys can't help but laugh when they hear the test tests one well-known online giant is testing. You might say they get a bit testy.
370: F'ing #
August 13th, 2019 | 44 mins 4 secs
.net, 737, 737 max, aerospace, boeing, coder radio, concurrency, developer podcast, f#, functional programming, jupiter broadcasting, microsoft, ml, open source, pattern matching, ruby, rust, static types, topshell
Things get heated when it’s time for Wes to check-in on Mike’s functional favorite, F#, and share his journey exploring modern .NET on Linux.
362: It Crashes Better
June 17th, 2019 | 56 mins 16 secs
algebraic data types, appimage, canonical, coder radio, coding challenge, compile to javascript, developer podcast, earth day competition, egpu, electron, flatpak, functional programming, galago pro, gpu passthrough, javascript, kvm, libvirt, linux packaging, ml, ocaml, option type, react, reasonml, snap packages, snapcraft, snapd, static types, system76, the mad botter, virt-manager, virtualization
It's a Coder three-way as Chris checks-in with an eGPU update, and Mike shares his adventures with ReasonML.
357: 3 OSes 1 GPU
May 13th, 2019 | 47 mins 54 secs
ai, android, ascii, automation, chrome os, coder radio, community, core ml, developer podcast, documentation, egpu, flutter, freeplane, google, google i/o, ibm, java, jetbrains, kotlin, mac os, microsoft, microsoft build, ml, omnigraffle, qa, red hat, red hat summit, testing, triple booting, windows subsystem for linux, windows terminal, wsl2
Microsoft catches Mike’s eye with WSL 2, Google gets everyone's attention with their new push for Kotlin, and we get a full eGPU report.
355: F# Shill
May 2nd, 2019 | 1 hr 45 secs
.net, aws, bosque, chromebooks, chromeos, coder radio, developer podcast, earth day, egpu, f#, git-secrets, gpl, hardware, lgpl, mad botter, memory management, ml, pinning, programming language research, qt, rust, software licenses, strong types, system76, telemetry, thunderbolt, type safety, typed strings, typescript, windows, windows 10, xfce
Mike and Wes dive into Bosque, Microsoft’s new research language, and debate if it represents the future of programming languages, or if we should all just be using F#.
344: Cupertino's King Makers
February 12th, 2019 | 1 hr 5 mins
ai, angular, app store, apple, c, coder radio, contracting, darter pro, developer podcast, employment, facebook, freelance, functional programming, google, independent contractor, javascript, jetbrains, laptops, laugh track, learning c, mac os, machine learning, mixins, ml, mvc, netflix, nvidia, pwa, pycharm, python, python developer survey, react, react hooks, repl, self-employment, spa, system76, vue
The gangs all together and cover your poignant feedback right out of the gate. Then we jump into the psychological trap of freelancing, and imagine a world where app stores are a true level playing field.
343: Say My Functional Name
February 5th, 2019 | 50 mins 3 secs
.net, app store, apple, c#, c# 8.0, certificates, coder radio, compiler, concurrency, developer podcast, edc, embedded development, enterprise, facebook, facebook research, functional programming, google, haskell, ios, ipad, iphone, jailbreak, macos, maybe, ml, monads, mono, nil punning, npe, null, nullable, nullable reference types, optionals, privacy, rust, rustc, safety, sideload, soundness, static types, unity, vpn, walled garden
Mike breaks down the drama around nullable reference types in C# 8.0, and we debate what it means for the future of the language.
Episode 318: Losing the Anaconda
July 17th, 2018 | 1 hr 4 mins
benevolent dictator, dell, development podcast, google, guido van rossum, instapaper, macbook pro, ml, pip, pycharm, python, seedbank
We ruminate on Python’s founder stepping down, and ponder if it was inevitable.