Episode 300
Developers Rule the World | CR 300
March 15th, 2018
56 mins 57 secs
About this Episode
It’s a special Coder Super show with big announcements and we look back at five years of Coder Radio.
We have witnessed a massive shift of power. And it’s been happening right under developers noses. From the slowly won battle for control of the server, to Amazon’s to control over the Internet.
Episode Links
- Noah aks about side project
- coder.show/rss
- Coder Radio - New Fancy Contact Page
- Coder Radio 300 Shirt and Hoodie — Get your celebratory shirt or hoodie now!
- Coder Radio Coasters — Coder Radio is celebrating episode 300 in style with these awesome coasters!
- Coder Radio 300 Poster — Celebrating 300 episodes of Coder Radio from Jupiter Broadcasting with this awesome titles poster!
- Calendar 2 made $2K in 3 days mining cryptocurrency, but Apple says it violated Mac App Store guidelines — Magarshak says that Qbix was able to earn about $2,000 worth of the cryptocurrency Monero during the three-day period that mining was live in the application. For comparison’s sake, Qbix has made around $700,000 from its apps over the last 7 years:
- Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2018 — Each year, we ask the developer community about everything from their favorite technologies to their job preferences. This year marks the eighth year we’ve published our Annual Developer Survey results—with the largest number of respondents yet. Over 100,000 developers took the 30-minute survey this past January.