We found 10 episodes of Coder Radio with the tag “javascript”.
344: Cupertino's King Makers
February 12th, 2019 | 1 hr 5 mins
ai, angular, app store, apple, c, coder radio, contracting, darter pro, developer podcast, employment, facebook, freelance, functional programming, google, independent contractor, javascript, jetbrains, laptops, laugh track, learning c, mac os, machine learning, mixins, ml, mvc, netflix, nvidia, pwa, pycharm, python, python developer survey, react, react hooks, repl, self-employment, spa, system76, vue
The gangs all together and cover your poignant feedback right out of the gate. Then we jump into the psychological trap of freelancing, and imagine a world where app stores are a true level playing field.
342: Webs Assemble!
January 29th, 2019 | 42 mins 30 secs
apache 2, apple, c++, cd, chrome, ci, clojurescript, coder radio, compilers, developer podcast, edge, electron, ffi, firefox, games, google, javascript, jenkins, lawsuit, licenses, llvm, node, ocaml, open web, optional chaining, optionals, oracle, rails, reason, ruby, rust, software packaging, software patents, swift, transpilers, typescript, unity, v8, wasm, web standards, webassembly
Apple wades into controversy after filing some Swift-related patents and we explore WebAssembly and its implications for the open web.
340: The Optional Option
January 15th, 2019 | 57 mins 23 secs
.net, aws lambda, azure, beam, c#, classes, coder radio, complexity, cron, datomic, datomic ions, developer form, developer podcast, elixir, erlang, f#, f# foundation, faas, flow control, iokit, javascript, jvm, kotlin, monad, monitoring, nerves, nerves framework, node, optionals, sdk, serverless, simplicity, structs, swift, usb-c development
Wes joins Mike for a special Coder. They share thoughts on the costs and benefits of Optionals in Swift, uncover Mike's secret love affair with F#, and debate the true value of serverless.
334: Time Crisis
December 9th, 2018 | 58 mins 51 secs
coder radio, developer lifestyle podcast, javascript, jupiter broadcasting, kotlin, open source libraries, too old to start, top programing languages
Mike and Chris don’t claim to have a time machine, but they still have a major problem to solve.
Clojure Calisthenics
September 7th, 2018 | 45 mins 45 secs
.net, android, async, beam, c#, callbacks, clojure, clojurescript, coder radio, concurrency, development podcast, elixir, erlang, fortnite, functional programming, go, google play, haskell, java, javascript, jvm, kotlin, lisp, project loom, quasar, tornadofx
Wes joins Mike to discuss why .NET still makes sense, the latest antics from Fortnite, a brave new hope for JVM concurrency, and the mind-expanding benefits of trying a Lisp.
May 21st, 2018 | 51 mins 40 secs
development podcast, ecma 6, es6, it certificates, javascript, progressive web apps, pwas, semantic machines, twitter third party clients, webassembly
The future is JavaScript and Mike’s seen the way. Plus we answer a listener's questions about career changes, discuss the week’s hoopla, and share a cautionary tale.
Episode 308: The Nicheing Down Fallacy
May 7th, 2018 | 1 hr 2 mins
.net core, amazon developers, amazon skills, coder radio, development podcast, ec2, javascript, microsoft build, niche market, pop_os review, skill monetization
Focusing on a niche can catastrophically backfire when the market shifts, and Mike goes into full reviewer mode!
Developers Rule the World | CR 300
March 15th, 2018 | 56 mins 57 secs
amazon, angular, aws, coder radio, developer workflow, development podcast, ec2, ios, javascript, rust, serverless, swift, wear os, web development
We have witnessed a massive shift of power. And it’s been happening right under developers noses. From the slowly won battle for control of the server, to Amazon’s to control over the Internet.