We found 10 episodes of Coder Radio with the tag “java”.
357: 3 OSes 1 GPU
May 13th, 2019 | 47 mins 54 secs
ai, android, ascii, automation, chrome os, coder radio, community, core ml, developer podcast, documentation, egpu, flutter, freeplane, google, google i/o, ibm, java, jetbrains, kotlin, mac os, microsoft, microsoft build, ml, omnigraffle, qa, red hat, red hat summit, testing, triple booting, windows subsystem for linux, windows terminal, wsl2
Microsoft catches Mike’s eye with WSL 2, Google gets everyone's attention with their new push for Kotlin, and we get a full eGPU report.
356: Fear, Uncertainty, and .NET
May 8th, 2019 | 34 mins 30 secs
.net, .net 5, .net core, ahead of time, aot, automated testing, clr, coder radio, community, compilers, conway's game of life, developer podcast, development environments, devops, documentation, f#, functional programming, ide, ios, java, javadoc, jit, lfnw, literate programming, llvm, manual testing, mono, objective c, oop, open source, pengwin, project uno, qa, rdoc, runtime, rust, sdet, simulation, swift, testing, testing culture, ui programming, unity, uwp, visual studio code, visual studio code remote, web assembly, wsl, xamarin, xaml
.NET 5 has been announced and brings a new unified future to the platform. We dig in to Microsoft's plans and speculate about what they mean for F#.
353: A Week with WSL
April 17th, 2019 | 50 mins 7 secs
amd, apple, chromebook, chromeos, clojure, coder radio, coreml, crates.io, developer education, developer podcast, egpu, elixir, erlang, graphics cards, haskell, http prompt, ios, java, linux desktop, machine learning, mesa, microsoft, nvidia, ocaml, pengwin, programming languages, python, rails, ruby, rust, sean griffin, thunderbolt, usb-c, windows, windows 10, wlinux, wsl
Mike's back with thoughts on his recent adventures with the Windows Subsystem for Linux and what it might mean for the future of Linux development.
350: Rusty Stadia
March 27th, 2019 | 42 mins 18 secs
.net, .net foundation, c, c++, coder radio, concurrency, developer podcast, game streaming, go, google, google stadia, java, javascript, linux, linux gaming, memory management, objective-c, open source, parallelism, python, redmonk, ruby, rust, typescript, vulkan
We debate Rust's role as a replacement for C, and share our take on the future of gaming with Google's Stadia.
341: Too Late for Jenkins?
January 23rd, 2019 | 52 mins 24 secs
apple, arduino, blue ocean, c++, capistrano, carbo, ci/cd, cloud, coder radio, continuous integration, deployment, developer podcast, devops, dokku, embedded development, gitlab, gryphon, hudson, ios, ipad pro, java, jenkins, jenkins x, jvm, kubernetes, mad botter, pipeline, pipelines as code, radar, rails, ruby, ruby on rails, rust, swift, usb-c
Mike and Wes are back to debate the state of developer tools and ask where Jenkins fits in 2019.
Clojure Calisthenics
September 7th, 2018 | 45 mins 45 secs
.net, android, async, beam, c#, callbacks, clojure, clojurescript, coder radio, concurrency, development podcast, elixir, erlang, fortnite, functional programming, go, google play, haskell, java, javascript, jvm, kotlin, lisp, project loom, quasar, tornadofx
Wes joins Mike to discuss why .NET still makes sense, the latest antics from Fortnite, a brave new hope for JVM concurrency, and the mind-expanding benefits of trying a Lisp.
Weapons of Mass Data
April 2nd, 2018 | 1 hr 11 mins
android, api, coder radio, development focus, development podcast, jack of all trades, james gosling, java, mac arm cpu, next vs sun, oak, oracle, programing, sun microsystems
What is focus for the software industry? And is focus always a good thing, or can it lead to tunnel vision?