Magical Contract Bids | CR 148
April 6th, 2015 | 1 hr 1 min
Mike had a dream & that dream didn’t work out. Today we discuss how fixed contracts lead to fixed death & with perfect hindsight we debate what we might have done differently.
Plus some great feedback, a little nostalgia & more!
The Sonic Philosophy | CR 147
March 30th, 2015 | 58 mins 8 secs
Transitions in life comes in many forms, work, relationships, gadgets. How we deal with the process of transition is key.
Plus a bit about GitHub’s ongoing DDoS, switching from PHP to Ruby & a new contender for the perfect Linux dev rig.
Open Source as a Trap | CR 146
March 23rd, 2015 | 52 mins 36 secs
It’s a special open mic edition of Coder Radio. We discuss the complex reasons behind Microsoft’s choice to open source MSBuild, the quest for the perfect Linux laptop continues & why, oh why, oh why HTML5 has a place.
Plus emails & more!
Why Mike's Disgusted by Android | CR 145
March 16th, 2015 | 58 mins 21 secs
Chris shares what he’s loving about Android from a users perspective & Mike goes into what is driving him crazy from a developer's standpoint.
Plus redefining DevOps, starting a multi-user database & more!
Apple Future vs Pebble Past | CR 144
March 9th, 2015 | 1 hr 4 mins
We revisit some of the audience's favorite editors, then discuss terrible engineers.
Then Chris spends time with a smartwatch & believes he’s discovered their purpose. We examine the audience for smartwatch apps in light of the Apple Watch announcement.
Not My Problem | CR 143
March 2nd, 2015 | 34 mins 7 secs
The guys picture working a 9-5 job. If the security of a 9-5 paycheck is a myth, is it really just not having to worry about all the little things that’s appealing?
Plus how merit based hiring may get out of control & making documentation a bit less evil
Accounts Percievable | CR 142
February 23rd, 2015 | 46 mins 10 secs
Mike and Chris start the show by sharing some hard learned advice, and discussing the events of the last two weeks.
Then we touch on SuperFish, Ubuntu Touch, and more!
Retro Extravaganza | CR 141
February 16th, 2015 | 1 hr 9 mins
Join us as we hop in our time machine and revisit some past topics on the coder radio program.
NOde | CR 140
February 9th, 2015 | 55 mins 31 secs
Can’t we all just settle down & focus? Mike’s just about had it with javascript framework madness. Plus could Microsoft be uniquely positioned to take advantage of the eventual die off of some frameworks?
Windows in the Pi | CR 139
February 2nd, 2015 | 50 mins 45 secs
Mike is stuck in a train, stuck in the snow. So it’s an open call edition, with some great discussion around Microsoft’s investment in Cyanogen & the pitch for Python.
Plus a robust chat about the new Raspberry Pi 2 & it’s ability to run Windows 10.
Deploy Like an Animal | CR 138
January 26th, 2015 | 46 mins 42 secs
It’s a tip show edition of Coder Radio. Mike shares a great way to get some Heroku features without the bill.
Plus the annoying honeymoon period, your feedback & more!
Monumental Android Failure | CR 137
January 19th, 2015 | 49 mins 36 secs
Well known developers have recently gone public with how much they make & where they make it from. Mike & Chris chew on the numbers & discuss the raw reality.
Plus great feedback on Chris’ first development language & more!
Ruby is not Perl | CR 136
January 12th, 2015 | 56 mins 53 secs
Chris shares what’s prevented him from getting started with development & shares the three languages that are at the top of his list to try.
Plus we get passionate after some feedback to the Mac Exodus topic & more!
Macs Exodus | CR 135
January 5th, 2015 | 53 mins 46 secs
Is the quality of Apple’s desktop and mobile software causing a slow bleeding of developers? Chris & Mike debate what developers will do over 2015.
Plus we read some great follow up, feature a community project & more!
Fair And Balanced | CR 134
December 29th, 2014 | 50 mins 56 secs
Mike is fired up by a topic that has been on fire over all of 2014.
Is it finally time to let the other 95% of great programmers in?
Best Of Coder Radio 2014 | CR 133
December 22nd, 2014 | 1 hr 7 mins
We peer into the past of the show to pull out the amazing clips you guys suggested to us and fondly remember how funny it is to listen to Chris get trolled. Sit back, relax & enjoy the fun in this look back at best of Coder Radio!