We found 7 episodes of Coder Radio with the tag “testing”.
577: Holy Order of the Admins
July 2nd, 2024 | 47 mins 50 secs
advanced features, ai, alice ai, apple intelligence, aspen institute, bugs, character.ai, chatgpt, coder radio, computing resources, developer, developers, development podcast, docker, eq, events, fountain, github issue, google, indeed, iq, jar-jar desktop, lary summers, macos, meta, migration, mitigations, monthly fees, no-li brewhouse, obj-c, oneapi, open-source, oses, perforce, piper, regression testing, repository operations, research partnerships, retail demos, rosetta, rust, smtp, software development job postings, source control, spokane meetup, st. louis fed, sycl, system76, tdd, terminal, testgen-llm, testing, unit test improvement, user stories, vision pro, xai
Why you shouldn't use AI to write your tests, and the crazy deals new AI companies are getting themselves into to access hardware.
398: Testing the Test
January 27th, 2021 | 36 mins 35 secs
.net, alacritty, apple m1, automated tests, big sur vpn, electron, facebook, flutter, framework, gtk, k3s, linode, linux on m1, ml, probabilistic flakines, qt, rust, testing, ubuntu server, unit testing, wsl2
The guys can't help but laugh when they hear the test tests one well-known online giant is testing. You might say they get a bit testy.
366: Functional First
July 16th, 2019 | 38 mins 53 secs
.net, api design, c#, clojure, coder radio, data driven development, data flow, data pipeline, developer podcast, frp, functional programming, haskell, idempotent, immutability, integration tests, jupiter broadcasting, mapreduce, mechanize, mocking, object oriented programming, oop, programming culture, programming paradigms, rafal dittwald, react, reactive programming, redis, redux, reframe, ruby, ruby f#, software architecture, software design, solving problems the clojure way, static types, testing, wasm, web scraping, webassembly
It’s a Coder Radio special as Mike and Wes dive into functional programming in the real world and share their tips for applying FP techniques in any language.
357: 3 OSes 1 GPU
May 13th, 2019 | 47 mins 54 secs
ai, android, ascii, automation, chrome os, coder radio, community, core ml, developer podcast, documentation, egpu, flutter, freeplane, google, google i/o, ibm, java, jetbrains, kotlin, mac os, microsoft, microsoft build, ml, omnigraffle, qa, red hat, red hat summit, testing, triple booting, windows subsystem for linux, windows terminal, wsl2
Microsoft catches Mike’s eye with WSL 2, Google gets everyone's attention with their new push for Kotlin, and we get a full eGPU report.
356: Fear, Uncertainty, and .NET
May 8th, 2019 | 34 mins 30 secs
.net, .net 5, .net core, ahead of time, aot, automated testing, clr, coder radio, community, compilers, conway's game of life, developer podcast, development environments, devops, documentation, f#, functional programming, ide, ios, java, javadoc, jit, lfnw, literate programming, llvm, manual testing, mono, objective c, oop, open source, pengwin, project uno, qa, rdoc, runtime, rust, sdet, simulation, swift, testing, testing culture, ui programming, unity, uwp, visual studio code, visual studio code remote, web assembly, wsl, xamarin, xaml
.NET 5 has been announced and brings a new unified future to the platform. We dig in to Microsoft's plans and speculate about what they mean for F#.
348: Dependency Dangers
March 12th, 2019 | 40 mins 3 secs
api shutdown, automation, aws, battery life, breaking change, brendan gregg, build server, chrome, ci, clojure, clojurescript, cloud9, code signing, code-server, coder radio, darter pro, dependencies, developer podcast, ebpf, elementary os, fastlane, firefox, functional programming, generative testing, gitlab, google, google plus, google+, haskell, idempotent, integration tests, ios, laptop review, macos, oauth, omniauth, outage, pop!_os, quickcheck, rails, react, ruby, safari, scale, standards, state, system76, testing, ui tests, unit tests, vscode, wasm, web assembly
Mike has salvaged a success story from the dumpster fire of the Google+ shutdown, and Wes shares his grief about brittle and repetitive unit tests.
347: Rusty Rubies
March 5th, 2019 | 47 mins 21 secs
apple, binaries, bitbucket, bucklescript, bundler, cargo, chrome, ci, clojure, clojurescript, coder radio, darter pro, deployment, developer podcast, dynamic programming languages, firefox, functional programming, gem, git, google, ios, javascript, jenkins, mac mini, macos, mozilla, node, npm, ocaml, opensuse, packaging, pika, pikapkg, pip, python, rbenv, reasonml, ruby, rust, suse, system76, testing, thelio, transpiling, virtualenv, wasm, web assembly
Mike breaks down what it takes to build a proper iOS build server, and leaves the familiar shallows of Debian for the open waters of openSUSE.