We found 9 episodes of Coder Radio with the tag “software development”.
554: The App Store Addiction
January 24th, 2024 | 58 mins 24 secs
app compatibility, app-to-web payments, apple developers, apple's big brother, coder radio, developers, development podcast, dhh, free os updates, google, hack, job cuts, linux upgrades, macos sonoma, microsoft, microsoft senior leadership emails, russian hackers, software development, software security, solarwinds, third-party upgrades, vision pro
We knew they'd be petulant, but even our expectations were higher than this. We dig into how Apple dunked on devs after last week's show, yet another Microsoft hack, and more.
533: Critical Failure in Open Source
August 30th, 2023 | 54 mins 42 secs
api misuse, automation, cisa, code generation, coder radio, cyber threat, cybersecurity, developers, development podcast, economic productivity, excel, federal aid highway act of 1956, government investment, infrastructure, interstate road system, investment, large language model, memory leaks, open source software, power grid, president eisenhower, program crashes, python, risks, safety improvements, security, software development, technology skills
U.S. officials are warning open-source software could be a cyber security threat. Their solution? Money. But do we want them picking the winners and losers of open source?
532: Take It to the Limit
August 23rd, 2023 | 54 mins 58 secs
ai-first code editor, alpaca, appcode, azure kinect, berlin with brent, c++ editors, chatgpt cheat sheet, clion, coder radio, cursor, developers, development podcast, features, fitness, ford patent, gpt-4, healthcare, ios, itof depth technology, llama.cpp, logistics, macos, manufacturing, meetup, metagpt, microsoft, orbbec, precision depth camera, programming knowledge, retail, robotics, sdk, serge, software development, spokane linux love, twitter hype, unreal, usability, vs code extension, web interface, xcode
Mike hits the limits of ChatGPT's knowledge, a chat about editors and what we'd do for a living if it had to be outside of tech.
367: 10x Evilgineers
July 22nd, 2019 | 34 mins 43 secs
10x, 10x engineers, app development, app store, app store tax, apple, c++, coder radio, culture, developer podcast, emacs, epic, evil, fortnite, fp, functional programming, google, intellij, jetbrains, jupiter broadcasting, monopoly, oop, play store, programming tools, rubocop, rubymine, software development, spacemacs, spotify, tinder, tools, vi, vim
Mike rekindles his youthful love affair with Emacs and we debate what makes a "10x engineer".
359: 7 Languages
May 28th, 2019 | 43 mins 44 secs
app development, apple, c#, coder radio, developer podcast, electron, elixir, engineering, engineering titles, esoteric languages, functional programming, github sponsors, indie business, ios, jon skeet, macos, marzipan, mobile development, nullable reference types, open source development, poll, seven languages in seven weeks, software development, survey, typescript, uno, uno platform, web development, wkwebview
Wes is back and Mike's got a few surprises in store, including a new view on Electron, a hot take on titles, and a programming challenge for the both of them.
337: 2018's Deal Channels
December 27th, 2018 | 51 mins 43 secs
2019 predictions, alexa, business headwinds, coder radio, contracting, development podcast, homepod, indy development, javasript, jupiter broadcasting, microsoft year in review, software development
The guys drink some Liquid Christmas Tree and reflect on the major trends of 2018, and the stuff they are preemptively freaking out about for 2019.
336: It's The Culture Stupid
December 18th, 2018 | 37 mins 43 secs
coder radio, desktop, factory tour, jupiter broadcasting, linux, software development, system76, thelio
Chris is back from his trip to Denver to tour System76’s factory, and what he discovered while he was there was the last thing he was expecting.
332: Before Coder
November 7th, 2018 | 54 mins 45 secs
.net core, asp.net, coder radio, development podcast, independent contracting, mac mini, microsoft, software development, system76, thelio
We answer how Chris and Mike started in independent contracting, and the lessons changes they’d make with some perspective of time.
Episode 311: Google AI For The Win
May 28th, 2018 | 56 mins 41 secs
amazon, assistant, coder radio, coding, coffeescript, developer podcast, devops, echo, gdpr, github, google ai, google assistant for enterprise, microsoft, objective-c, software development, webdev
After a bit of CoffeeScript reminiscing we get down to data and design.And discuss why the bot market has collapsed, and how Google is running the table in AI.