We found 10 episodes of Coder Radio with the tag “ruby”.
370: F'ing #
August 13th, 2019 | 44 mins 4 secs
.net, 737, 737 max, aerospace, boeing, coder radio, concurrency, developer podcast, f#, functional programming, jupiter broadcasting, microsoft, ml, open source, pattern matching, ruby, rust, static types, topshell
Things get heated when it’s time for Wes to check-in on Mike’s functional favorite, F#, and share his journey exploring modern .NET on Linux.
366: Functional First
July 16th, 2019 | 38 mins 53 secs
.net, api design, c#, clojure, coder radio, data driven development, data flow, data pipeline, developer podcast, frp, functional programming, haskell, idempotent, immutability, integration tests, jupiter broadcasting, mapreduce, mechanize, mocking, object oriented programming, oop, programming culture, programming paradigms, rafal dittwald, react, reactive programming, redis, redux, reframe, ruby, ruby f#, software architecture, software design, solving problems the clojure way, static types, testing, wasm, web scraping, webassembly
It’s a Coder Radio special as Mike and Wes dive into functional programming in the real world and share their tips for applying FP techniques in any language.
364: Gabbing About Go
July 1st, 2019 | 48 mins 46 secs
7 languages challenge, 7 languages in 7 weeks, accounting, apple, application distribution, bureaucracy, c++, coder radio, compilers, concurrency, developer podcast, executable, go, goroutines, gradual types, ide, jony ive, jupiter broadcasting, linux, oop, pex, programming, prototyping, pyoxidizer, python, python packaging, ruby, ruby on rails, rust, shiv, sorbet, static linking, static types, stripe, type checking, windows, wsl, wsl2
Mike and Wes burrow into the concurrent world of Go and debate where it makes sense and where it may not.
360: Swift Kick In The UI
June 3rd, 2019 | 46 mins 11 secs
apple, apple watch, arkit, c#, clojurescript, coder radio, cooling, developer podcast, egpu, elixir, erlang, fan noise, ios, ipad, ipados, java, javascript, kotlin, macos, macpro, marzipan, phoenix, project catalyst, rails, reasonml, ruby, static types, swift, swiftui, system76, thelio, thermal management, typescript, wwdc
We react to Apple's big news at WWDC, check in with Mike's explorations of Elixir, and talk some TypeScript.
353: A Week with WSL
April 17th, 2019 | 50 mins 7 secs
amd, apple, chromebook, chromeos, clojure, coder radio, coreml, crates.io, developer education, developer podcast, egpu, elixir, erlang, graphics cards, haskell, http prompt, ios, java, linux desktop, machine learning, mesa, microsoft, nvidia, ocaml, pengwin, programming languages, python, rails, ruby, rust, sean griffin, thunderbolt, usb-c, windows, windows 10, wlinux, wsl
Mike's back with thoughts on his recent adventures with the Windows Subsystem for Linux and what it might mean for the future of Linux development.
351: Riding the Rails
April 2nd, 2019 | 38 mins 14 secs
.net, c, coder radio, developer podcast, dotnet-script, elixir, framework, gatsbyjs, github, graphics, graphql, ide, javascript fatigue, jetbrains, library, linux, luminous, macos, metal, mobile development, monolith, native apps, open source, opengl, phoenix, python, rails, rider, ruby, ruby on rails, rust, safety, stl, tooling, web development, xamarin, xamarin.android
Mike explores the state of Xamarin.Android development on Linux, and we talk frameworks versus libraries and what Rails got right.
350: Rusty Stadia
March 27th, 2019 | 42 mins 18 secs
.net, .net foundation, c, c++, coder radio, concurrency, developer podcast, game streaming, go, google, google stadia, java, javascript, linux, linux gaming, memory management, objective-c, open source, parallelism, python, redmonk, ruby, rust, typescript, vulkan
We debate Rust's role as a replacement for C, and share our take on the future of gaming with Google's Stadia.
349: Their Rules, Your Choice
March 19th, 2019 | 44 mins 38 secs
737, 737 max, app development, apple, apple tax, apple watch, aws, boeing, browser wars, chrome, coder radio, cost cutting, developer podcast, ec2, edge, elastic beanstalk, feedback, firefox, ie6, internet explorer, ios, ipad, legacy designs, microsoft, monetization, monoculture, open standards, python, ruby, safety, serverless, skype, software design, spotify, streaming services, time to play fair, ui, ux, webrtc
We join the fight between Apple and Spotify, and debate the meaning of 'fair play' in the App Store and the browser wars.
348: Dependency Dangers
March 12th, 2019 | 40 mins 3 secs
api shutdown, automation, aws, battery life, breaking change, brendan gregg, build server, chrome, ci, clojure, clojurescript, cloud9, code signing, code-server, coder radio, darter pro, dependencies, developer podcast, ebpf, elementary os, fastlane, firefox, functional programming, generative testing, gitlab, google, google plus, google+, haskell, idempotent, integration tests, ios, laptop review, macos, oauth, omniauth, outage, pop!_os, quickcheck, rails, react, ruby, safari, scale, standards, state, system76, testing, ui tests, unit tests, vscode, wasm, web assembly
Mike has salvaged a success story from the dumpster fire of the Google+ shutdown, and Wes shares his grief about brittle and repetitive unit tests.
347: Rusty Rubies
March 5th, 2019 | 47 mins 21 secs
apple, binaries, bitbucket, bucklescript, bundler, cargo, chrome, ci, clojure, clojurescript, coder radio, darter pro, deployment, developer podcast, dynamic programming languages, firefox, functional programming, gem, git, google, ios, javascript, jenkins, mac mini, macos, mozilla, node, npm, ocaml, opensuse, packaging, pika, pikapkg, pip, python, rbenv, reasonml, ruby, rust, suse, system76, testing, thelio, transpiling, virtualenv, wasm, web assembly
Mike breaks down what it takes to build a proper iOS build server, and leaves the familiar shallows of Debian for the open waters of openSUSE.