We found 10 episodes of Coder Radio with the tag “ios”.
361: ZEEEE Shell!
June 10th, 2019 | 35 mins 32 secs
7 languages, apple, apple watch, bash, bourne shell, coder radio, developer podcast, fish, foss, frp, gpl, ios, kotlin, macbook pro, macos, macpro, open source, posix, react, reactive programming, shell, software licenses, swift, swiftui, wwdc, zsh
Apple is shaking up the foundations of UI development with SwiftUI and raising developer eyebrows with a new default shell on MacOS.
360: Swift Kick In The UI
June 3rd, 2019 | 46 mins 11 secs
apple, apple watch, arkit, c#, clojurescript, coder radio, cooling, developer podcast, egpu, elixir, erlang, fan noise, ios, ipad, ipados, java, javascript, kotlin, macos, macpro, marzipan, phoenix, project catalyst, rails, reasonml, ruby, static types, swift, swiftui, system76, thelio, thermal management, typescript, wwdc
We react to Apple's big news at WWDC, check in with Mike's explorations of Elixir, and talk some TypeScript.
359: 7 Languages
May 28th, 2019 | 43 mins 44 secs
app development, apple, c#, coder radio, developer podcast, electron, elixir, engineering, engineering titles, esoteric languages, functional programming, github sponsors, indie business, ios, jon skeet, macos, marzipan, mobile development, nullable reference types, open source development, poll, seven languages in seven weeks, software development, survey, typescript, uno, uno platform, web development, wkwebview
Wes is back and Mike's got a few surprises in store, including a new view on Electron, a hot take on titles, and a programming challenge for the both of them.
356: Fear, Uncertainty, and .NET
May 8th, 2019 | 34 mins 30 secs
.net, .net 5, .net core, ahead of time, aot, automated testing, clr, coder radio, community, compilers, conway's game of life, developer podcast, development environments, devops, documentation, f#, functional programming, ide, ios, java, javadoc, jit, lfnw, literate programming, llvm, manual testing, mono, objective c, oop, open source, pengwin, project uno, qa, rdoc, runtime, rust, sdet, simulation, swift, testing, testing culture, ui programming, unity, uwp, visual studio code, visual studio code remote, web assembly, wsl, xamarin, xaml
.NET 5 has been announced and brings a new unified future to the platform. We dig in to Microsoft's plans and speculate about what they mean for F#.
353: A Week with WSL
April 17th, 2019 | 50 mins 7 secs
amd, apple, chromebook, chromeos, clojure, coder radio, coreml, crates.io, developer education, developer podcast, egpu, elixir, erlang, graphics cards, haskell, http prompt, ios, java, linux desktop, machine learning, mesa, microsoft, nvidia, ocaml, pengwin, programming languages, python, rails, ruby, rust, sean griffin, thunderbolt, usb-c, windows, windows 10, wlinux, wsl
Mike's back with thoughts on his recent adventures with the Windows Subsystem for Linux and what it might mean for the future of Linux development.
349: Their Rules, Your Choice
March 18th, 2019 | 44 mins 38 secs
737, 737 max, app development, apple, apple tax, apple watch, aws, boeing, browser wars, chrome, coder radio, cost cutting, developer podcast, ec2, edge, elastic beanstalk, feedback, firefox, ie6, internet explorer, ios, ipad, legacy designs, microsoft, monetization, monoculture, open standards, python, ruby, safety, serverless, skype, software design, spotify, streaming services, time to play fair, ui, ux, webrtc
We join the fight between Apple and Spotify, and debate the meaning of 'fair play' in the App Store and the browser wars.
348: Dependency Dangers
March 11th, 2019 | 40 mins 3 secs
api shutdown, automation, aws, battery life, breaking change, brendan gregg, build server, chrome, ci, clojure, clojurescript, cloud9, code signing, code-server, coder radio, darter pro, dependencies, developer podcast, ebpf, elementary os, fastlane, firefox, functional programming, generative testing, gitlab, google, google plus, google+, haskell, idempotent, integration tests, ios, laptop review, macos, oauth, omniauth, outage, pop!_os, quickcheck, rails, react, ruby, safari, scale, standards, state, system76, testing, ui tests, unit tests, vscode, wasm, web assembly
Mike has salvaged a success story from the dumpster fire of the Google+ shutdown, and Wes shares his grief about brittle and repetitive unit tests.
347: Rusty Rubies
March 5th, 2019 | 47 mins 21 secs
apple, binaries, bitbucket, bucklescript, bundler, cargo, chrome, ci, clojure, clojurescript, coder radio, darter pro, deployment, developer podcast, dynamic programming languages, firefox, functional programming, gem, git, google, ios, javascript, jenkins, mac mini, macos, mozilla, node, npm, ocaml, opensuse, packaging, pika, pikapkg, pip, python, rbenv, reasonml, ruby, rust, suse, system76, testing, thelio, transpiling, virtualenv, wasm, web assembly
Mike breaks down what it takes to build a proper iOS build server, and leaves the familiar shallows of Debian for the open waters of openSUSE.
343: Say My Functional Name
February 5th, 2019 | 50 mins 3 secs
.net, app store, apple, c#, c# 8.0, certificates, coder radio, compiler, concurrency, developer podcast, edc, embedded development, enterprise, facebook, facebook research, functional programming, google, haskell, ios, ipad, iphone, jailbreak, macos, maybe, ml, monads, mono, nil punning, npe, null, nullable, nullable reference types, optionals, privacy, rust, rustc, safety, sideload, soundness, static types, unity, vpn, walled garden
Mike breaks down the drama around nullable reference types in C# 8.0, and we debate what it means for the future of the language.
341: Too Late for Jenkins?
January 23rd, 2019 | 52 mins 24 secs
apple, arduino, blue ocean, c++, capistrano, carbo, ci/cd, cloud, coder radio, continuous integration, deployment, developer podcast, devops, dokku, embedded development, gitlab, gryphon, hudson, ios, ipad pro, java, jenkins, jenkins x, jvm, kubernetes, mad botter, pipeline, pipelines as code, radar, rails, ruby, ruby on rails, rust, swift, usb-c
Mike and Wes are back to debate the state of developer tools and ask where Jenkins fits in 2019.