We found 8 episodes of Coder Radio with the tag “elixir”.
368: Clojure Clash
July 29th, 2019 | 43 mins 36 secs
.net, 7 languages, clojure, clojurescript, coder radio, computer science, developer podcast, elixir, erdos, erlang, f#, foss, github, jupiter broadcasting, kotlin, lisp, microsoft, open source, openssl, parinfer, rust, rustls, sensitivity conjecture, tls, trade policy, trade war
Mike and Wes debate the merits and aesthetics of Clojure in this week's rowdy language check-in.
360: Swift Kick In The UI
June 3rd, 2019 | 46 mins 11 secs
apple, apple watch, arkit, c#, clojurescript, coder radio, cooling, developer podcast, egpu, elixir, erlang, fan noise, ios, ipad, ipados, java, javascript, kotlin, macos, macpro, marzipan, phoenix, project catalyst, rails, reasonml, ruby, static types, swift, swiftui, system76, thelio, thermal management, typescript, wwdc
We react to Apple's big news at WWDC, check in with Mike's explorations of Elixir, and talk some TypeScript.
359: 7 Languages
May 28th, 2019 | 43 mins 44 secs
app development, apple, c#, coder radio, developer podcast, electron, elixir, engineering, engineering titles, esoteric languages, functional programming, github sponsors, indie business, ios, jon skeet, macos, marzipan, mobile development, nullable reference types, open source development, poll, seven languages in seven weeks, software development, survey, typescript, uno, uno platform, web development, wkwebview
Wes is back and Mike's got a few surprises in store, including a new view on Electron, a hot take on titles, and a programming challenge for the both of them.
354: A Life of Learning
April 25th, 2019 | 45 mins 34 secs
.net, actors, akka, avalonia, aws, beam, c#, clojure, clojurescript, coder radio, developer podcast, developer training, distributed systems, earth day, elastic beanstalk, elixir, erlang, fortran, joe armstrong, learning, let it crash, low latency, mad botter, open source, prolog, reading code, rust, tetris, tiddlywiki, typescript, voip, winforms
We celebrate the life of Erlang author Dr Joe Armstrong by remembering his many contributions to computer science and unique approach to lifelong learning.
353: A Week with WSL
April 17th, 2019 | 50 mins 7 secs
amd, apple, chromebook, chromeos, clojure, coder radio, coreml, crates.io, developer education, developer podcast, egpu, elixir, erlang, graphics cards, haskell, http prompt, ios, java, linux desktop, machine learning, mesa, microsoft, nvidia, ocaml, pengwin, programming languages, python, rails, ruby, rust, sean griffin, thunderbolt, usb-c, windows, windows 10, wlinux, wsl
Mike's back with thoughts on his recent adventures with the Windows Subsystem for Linux and what it might mean for the future of Linux development.
351: Riding the Rails
April 2nd, 2019 | 38 mins 14 secs
.net, c, coder radio, developer podcast, dotnet-script, elixir, framework, gatsbyjs, github, graphics, graphql, ide, javascript fatigue, jetbrains, library, linux, luminous, macos, metal, mobile development, monolith, native apps, open source, opengl, phoenix, python, rails, rider, ruby, ruby on rails, rust, safety, stl, tooling, web development, xamarin, xamarin.android
Mike explores the state of Xamarin.Android development on Linux, and we talk frameworks versus libraries and what Rails got right.
340: The Optional Option
January 15th, 2019 | 57 mins 23 secs
.net, aws lambda, azure, beam, c#, classes, coder radio, complexity, cron, datomic, datomic ions, developer form, developer podcast, elixir, erlang, f#, f# foundation, faas, flow control, iokit, javascript, jvm, kotlin, monad, monitoring, nerves, nerves framework, node, optionals, sdk, serverless, simplicity, structs, swift, usb-c development
Wes joins Mike for a special Coder. They share thoughts on the costs and benefits of Optionals in Swift, uncover Mike's secret love affair with F#, and debate the true value of serverless.
Clojure Calisthenics
September 7th, 2018 | 45 mins 45 secs
.net, android, async, beam, c#, callbacks, clojure, clojurescript, coder radio, concurrency, development podcast, elixir, erlang, fortnite, functional programming, go, google play, haskell, java, javascript, jvm, kotlin, lisp, project loom, quasar, tornadofx
Wes joins Mike to discuss why .NET still makes sense, the latest antics from Fortnite, a brave new hope for JVM concurrency, and the mind-expanding benefits of trying a Lisp.