We found 10 episodes of Coder Radio with the tag “coder radio”.
Episode 308: The Nicheing Down Fallacy
May 7th, 2018 | 1 hr 2 mins
.net core, amazon developers, amazon skills, coder radio, development podcast, ec2, javascript, microsoft build, niche market, pop_os review, skill monetization
Focusing on a niche can catastrophically backfire when the market shifts, and Mike goes into full reviewer mode!
Episode 306: Progressive Webbie Things
April 30th, 2018 | 51 mins 28 secs
apple, chrome, coder radio, dev podcast, development market, electron, native app development, progressive web apps, uwl, vscode, webapps, webassembly, windows development
The death of desktop apps has reached the next stage, but the long transition to WebAssembly is going to hurt.
Episode 305: Perpetual Beta Tester
April 16th, 2018 | 50 mins
coder radio, developer desktop os, developer workflow, development podcast, history of ibm, linux desktop, mac pro, microsoft, watson, what's wrong with desktop oses
We revisit IBM’s total dominance over the PC industry in the early 80s, how they got there, and how we can apply the IBM model to current events.
Episode 304: No Bad Guys Only Survivors
April 9th, 2018 | 1 hr 39 secs
celebrity ceos, changing expectations, coder radio, contract work, developer market, development podcast, do you have to be ruthless to run a business, post-mortem business failure, why avoiding conflict is bad
What we can learn from Mike’s first business failing in 2014?
Weapons of Mass Data
April 2nd, 2018 | 1 hr 11 mins
android, api, coder radio, development focus, development podcast, jack of all trades, james gosling, java, mac arm cpu, next vs sun, oak, oracle, programing, sun microsystems
What is focus for the software industry? And is focus always a good thing, or can it lead to tunnel vision?
Episode 302: Staring into Sun
March 29th, 2018 | 1 hr 6 mins
ai, api copyright, azure, coder radio, development, development podcast, fair use, google lawsuite, independent software, microsoft, open source, orcale, sun microsystems
Sun Microsystems was fertile ground for what might be the largest developer upset in ten years.
Episode 301: Being David
March 19th, 2018 | 50 mins 47 secs
amazon, aws, business partnerships, coder radio, development, development contracting, gameon api, podcast, small business challenges, system76
Mike and Chris find themselves at similar forks in the road with their business. And they both share raw observations from the front lines of some hard choices.
Developers Rule the World | CR 300
March 15th, 2018 | 56 mins 57 secs
amazon, angular, aws, coder radio, developer workflow, development podcast, ec2, ios, javascript, rust, serverless, swift, wear os, web development
We have witnessed a massive shift of power. And it’s been happening right under developers noses. From the slowly won battle for control of the server, to Amazon’s to control over the Internet.