We found 4 episodes of Coder Radio with the tag “unity”.
547: The Slow and the Infuriating
December 6th, 2023 | 58 mins 44 secs
.net 8, acquisition, activision blizzard, activision blizzard deal, alderon games, android game store, apple contractors, apple envy, aspire, aspire components, austin, brain-inspired chips, broadcom, cbc tv, chat history, coder radio, corporate layoffs, developers, development podcast, epic, evidence destruction, federal warn act, google, google chat history, google deal, job cuts, judge donato, layoffs, microsoft, middle east investors, mobile games, mobile gaming store, monopoly, openai, performance focused types, play store, play store monopoly, project boston, radio staff, rain ai, random shuffle, risc-v architecture, sam altman, serialization improvements, settlement, spotify, tailscale, transaction fee, twilio, unity, unreal, utf8 improvements, vmware jobs, workforce, workforce reduction, xbox, xcode
After years of resistance, Mike finally surrenders to Xcode. And the secret Apple envy leaked to the public this week.
356: Fear, Uncertainty, and .NET
May 8th, 2019 | 34 mins 30 secs
.net, .net 5, .net core, ahead of time, aot, automated testing, clr, coder radio, community, compilers, conway's game of life, developer podcast, development environments, devops, documentation, f#, functional programming, ide, ios, java, javadoc, jit, lfnw, literate programming, llvm, manual testing, mono, objective c, oop, open source, pengwin, project uno, qa, rdoc, runtime, rust, sdet, simulation, swift, testing, testing culture, ui programming, unity, uwp, visual studio code, visual studio code remote, web assembly, wsl, xamarin, xaml
.NET 5 has been announced and brings a new unified future to the platform. We dig in to Microsoft's plans and speculate about what they mean for F#.
343: Say My Functional Name
February 5th, 2019 | 50 mins 3 secs
.net, app store, apple, c#, c# 8.0, certificates, coder radio, compiler, concurrency, developer podcast, edc, embedded development, enterprise, facebook, facebook research, functional programming, google, haskell, ios, ipad, iphone, jailbreak, macos, maybe, ml, monads, mono, nil punning, npe, null, nullable, nullable reference types, optionals, privacy, rust, rustc, safety, sideload, soundness, static types, unity, vpn, walled garden
Mike breaks down the drama around nullable reference types in C# 8.0, and we debate what it means for the future of the language.
342: Webs Assemble!
January 29th, 2019 | 42 mins 30 secs
apache 2, apple, c++, cd, chrome, ci, clojurescript, coder radio, compilers, developer podcast, edge, electron, ffi, firefox, games, google, javascript, jenkins, lawsuit, licenses, llvm, node, ocaml, open web, optional chaining, optionals, oracle, rails, reason, ruby, rust, software packaging, software patents, swift, transpilers, typescript, unity, v8, wasm, web standards, webassembly
Apple wades into controversy after filing some Swift-related patents and we explore WebAssembly and its implications for the open web.