We found 2 episodes of Coder Radio with the tag “phoenix”.
360: Swift Kick In The UI
June 3rd, 2019 | 46 mins 11 secs
apple, apple watch, arkit, c#, clojurescript, coder radio, cooling, developer podcast, egpu, elixir, erlang, fan noise, ios, ipad, ipados, java, javascript, kotlin, macos, macpro, marzipan, phoenix, project catalyst, rails, reasonml, ruby, static types, swift, swiftui, system76, thelio, thermal management, typescript, wwdc
We react to Apple's big news at WWDC, check in with Mike's explorations of Elixir, and talk some TypeScript.
351: Riding the Rails
April 2nd, 2019 | 38 mins 14 secs
.net, c, coder radio, developer podcast, dotnet-script, elixir, framework, gatsbyjs, github, graphics, graphql, ide, javascript fatigue, jetbrains, library, linux, luminous, macos, metal, mobile development, monolith, native apps, open source, opengl, phoenix, python, rails, rider, ruby, ruby on rails, rust, safety, stl, tooling, web development, xamarin, xamarin.android
Mike explores the state of Xamarin.Android development on Linux, and we talk frameworks versus libraries and what Rails got right.