We found 2 episodes of Coder Radio with the tag “null”.
372: Crystal Clear
August 27th, 2019 | 54 mins 1 sec
7 languages, 7 languages challenge, 7 languages in 7 weeks, abc, abstraction, academia, breaking changes, coder radio, concurrency, crystal, cs, developer podcast, fibers, foss, green threads, intel, julia, jupiter broadcasting, macros, math, nil, null, null-safety, python, rails, rails 6, rust, safety, semver, software maintenance, static types, systems programming, tragedy of the commons
We're back and going crazy about Crystal, a statically typed language that's as fast as C and as slick as ruby.
343: Say My Functional Name
February 5th, 2019 | 50 mins 3 secs
.net, app store, apple, c#, c# 8.0, certificates, coder radio, compiler, concurrency, developer podcast, edc, embedded development, enterprise, facebook, facebook research, functional programming, google, haskell, ios, ipad, iphone, jailbreak, macos, maybe, ml, monads, mono, nil punning, npe, null, nullable, nullable reference types, optionals, privacy, rust, rustc, safety, sideload, soundness, static types, unity, vpn, walled garden
Mike breaks down the drama around nullable reference types in C# 8.0, and we debate what it means for the future of the language.