We found 2 episodes of Coder Radio with the tag “lgpl”.
355: F# Shill
May 2nd, 2019 | 1 hr 45 secs
.net, aws, bosque, chromebooks, chromeos, coder radio, developer podcast, earth day, egpu, f#, git-secrets, gpl, hardware, lgpl, mad botter, memory management, ml, pinning, programming language research, qt, rust, software licenses, strong types, system76, telemetry, thunderbolt, type safety, typed strings, typescript, windows, windows 10, xfce
Mike and Wes dive into Bosque, Microsoft’s new research language, and debate if it represents the future of programming languages, or if we should all just be using F#.
Episode 322: Not so Qt
August 14th, 2018 | 46 mins 28 secs
.net, c++, development podcast, homebrew, lgpl, qml, qt, qt creator, qt licensing, vcpkg, windows 10 packagemanager, zmq
Mike's adventures with Qt land him on Windows 10 this week battling DLL hell. He shares the latest developments in his attempt to build his next app with Qt.