We found 2 episodes of Coder Radio with the tag “google+”.
348: Dependency Dangers
March 12th, 2019 | 40 mins 3 secs
api shutdown, automation, aws, battery life, breaking change, brendan gregg, build server, chrome, ci, clojure, clojurescript, cloud9, code signing, code-server, coder radio, darter pro, dependencies, developer podcast, ebpf, elementary os, fastlane, firefox, functional programming, generative testing, gitlab, google, google plus, google+, haskell, idempotent, integration tests, ios, laptop review, macos, oauth, omniauth, outage, pop!_os, quickcheck, rails, react, ruby, safari, scale, standards, state, system76, testing, ui tests, unit tests, vscode, wasm, web assembly
Mike has salvaged a success story from the dumpster fire of the Google+ shutdown, and Wes shares his grief about brittle and repetitive unit tests.
329: OpenJDK or Death
October 15th, 2018 | 46 mins 42 secs
azure sphere, coder radio, curl, development podcast, devkit, google+, infer.net, java fud, linux, microsoft, openjdk, project strobe, visual studio
Azure Sphere dev kits are shipping, and we take a look at the practicalities of getting setup to start developing.