We found 6 episodes of Coder Radio with the tag “facebook”.
434: Coding Gungan Style
October 7th, 2021 | 44 mins 11 secs
apple "unique arrangement" with netflix, coder radio, codex, development podcast, facebook, hermit programmers, hip hop vm, m1 update, middle-skilled developer, move fast, openai, prompt engineering, python 3.10, test suite effectiveness, types in python, vscode
It's final push time on a big project for Mike, but Chris is the one who is exhausted. But we've got some new insights into testing and thoughts on an emerging category of developer.
431: Success is not Illegal
September 15th, 2021 | 52 mins 5 secs
a15, apple m1, apple vs epic, c++, california streaming reaction, coder radio, development podcast, employment law, facebook, gonzalez rogers, instagram is toxic, intellij, ipad mini, iphone 13, java, jdk 17, k-duo, labor relations, mobile game transactions market, pay discussions, promotion, prores, vscode, windows, wsl, wsl2
The more you read into it, the worse it gets.
At least we have new devices to keep us happy.
419: Authentication Timeout
June 24th, 2021 | 43 mins 59 secs
antitrust, bulletproof linux, coder radio, cook calls pelosi, development podcast, facebook, google bureaucracy, google risk averse, internal criticism at google, kent walker, kernel extension, linode on the road, mac failure, meetup, microsoft market value, sundar pichai, system76, thelio, windows 11
Big Tech's punishment train has been en route for years, but now that it's almost arrived, are we getting onboard?
398: Testing the Test
January 27th, 2021 | 36 mins 35 secs
.net, alacritty, apple m1, automated tests, big sur vpn, electron, facebook, flutter, framework, gtk, k3s, linode, linux on m1, ml, probabilistic flakines, qt, rust, testing, ubuntu server, unit testing, wsl2
The guys can't help but laugh when they hear the test tests one well-known online giant is testing. You might say they get a bit testy.
344: Cupertino's King Makers
February 12th, 2019 | 1 hr 5 mins
ai, angular, app store, apple, c, coder radio, contracting, darter pro, developer podcast, employment, facebook, freelance, functional programming, google, independent contractor, javascript, jetbrains, laptops, laugh track, learning c, mac os, machine learning, mixins, ml, mvc, netflix, nvidia, pwa, pycharm, python, python developer survey, react, react hooks, repl, self-employment, spa, system76, vue
The gangs all together and cover your poignant feedback right out of the gate. Then we jump into the psychological trap of freelancing, and imagine a world where app stores are a true level playing field.
343: Say My Functional Name
February 5th, 2019 | 50 mins 3 secs
.net, app store, apple, c#, c# 8.0, certificates, coder radio, compiler, concurrency, developer podcast, edc, embedded development, enterprise, facebook, facebook research, functional programming, google, haskell, ios, ipad, iphone, jailbreak, macos, maybe, ml, monads, mono, nil punning, npe, null, nullable, nullable reference types, optionals, privacy, rust, rustc, safety, sideload, soundness, static types, unity, vpn, walled garden
Mike breaks down the drama around nullable reference types in C# 8.0, and we debate what it means for the future of the language.